Handling Viruses Naturally

Currently research on managing COVID-19 is in the early stages. This means that there are NO EXPERTS with regards to handling this particular virus. This leaves us with TRIED & TRUE ways of handling viruses in general, with some of these methods reaching back thousands of years. Let's get straight to it.

The first step is to promote your general health and immune system. Many clients get started in their health journey exactly by promoting their general health. Now is the time to pursue a detox elimination diet, build the immune system, cut the sugar and processed foods, discover food sensitivities, etc. Here are some key steps:

  1. Daily Walks Outdoors

  2. Daily Sun Exposure

  3. Eat mostly plants-- Fruits & Vegetables, ditch sugar and processed food

To reinforce, the fresh air and sunlight exposure are important for both general health as well as mechanisms which can weaken a virus. To keep the immune system strong avoid the taxing workouts, the bootcamps, etc. Some exercise will strengthen the immune system, too much will weaken it. Perhaps most importantly, Stay Calm. Stay Positive. Stress will compromise even the strongest immune system. Our outer environment is mostly beyond our control. Our inner environment-- how we feel and respond to life's situations is something we do have control over. Some additional lifestyle tips include:

1. Use clean water. Stay away from tap water.
2. Rest. Get your 8 hours of sleep. Deep and REM sleep are needed for repair and maintenance.
3. Intermittent Fasting

Quickly, for those not familiar with intermittent fasting: No eating for 12-14 hours every day, between dinner and breakfast. The benefits, too many to discuss here, include strengthening the immune system. With regards to avoiding a virus:

1. "Social Distancing." The virus spreads from people that have the virus.
2. Avoid putting your hands in your mouth, near your eyes, nose, and face in general
3. Wash you hands regularly. Nothing special, hot water and soap will do.

Please be wary of re-using a face mask for several days in a row. Research that shows that face-masks are effective has not considered how the population at large is now using them. Do not feel overly safe because you are wearing a face mask. Gloves are only going to help if you have wounds on your hands or it they help you to not touch your face. Is you phone clean? Are you touching your phone with your gloves while at the grocery store? Did you wash it when you got home, before you handled it without gloves, did you wash your hands after you washed the phone?

I like silver spray. Use it for everything. Spray hands. Spray wounds. Spray mouth. Spray nasal passages. Spray eyes. Of course, do not do this all day long, use as necessary.

Proper food choices will go a long way. Here are just a few immune boosting anti-viral foods:

1. Raw Garlic
2. Thyme
3. Ginger
4. Turmeric
5. Oregano
6. Organic Berries

Foods to remove that may compromise your immune system.

1. Eggs
2. Dairy
3. Gluten
4. Corn

My highest recommendation is to work with a Health Practitioner that has been trained to use natural products to support the immune system. I would like to emphasize that daily use of high quality vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrient supplements is almost necessary in this modern world, begin there, before the recommendations below. The following products in small, sensible doses will go a long way to support the immune system. These are products that I recommend for year round use.

1. Vitamin C
2. Vitamin D
3. Zinc

At the first sign of illness, here are my main fighters.

1. Suspended Silver
2. Larger Dose Vitamin C
3. Garlic Capsules

There certainly are others, including many potent and safe herbal remedies, it depends how the illness unfolds and the particular client.

Now is a great time to take control of your health. My highest recommendation is to work with an Integrative Health Practitioner. Initial steps are functional medicine tests to uncover underlying imbalances, toxic load, and detect microorganisms. With that information a personalized wellness plan is drawn up. This is a plan that takes into account your PERSONAL history, test results, body type, biochemistry, lifestyle, and goals. Taking action now will not only make you more resilient to viruses, but more importantly, you will finally feel and look the way you want, and have the energy you deserve.

Most importantly: People are dying and it is sad. Take a moment to reflect that we as a human species must function and work together. The Stay-At-Home movement is far from anti-social or social-ly distancing. If anything this movement has presented the human race with the opportunity to be as socially integrated and unified as ever. This may very well provide the impetus needed to address other issues besides a single rampant virus, ones that do threaten not only all humans but also all life on the planet. Do your part, the world needs you at your best.


Immune System Cheatsheet


Lifestyle Tips for Transformation, I