Immune System Cheatsheet

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If you take a fish that's sick with a fish virus and pluck it out of the water then its likely to die pretty fast.

Increasingly we are detached from and distorting our environment. What's happening now is that there's a virus and we fish are dying pretty fast. However, the true cause is that we are "out of water" --unable to use our natural powers to handle the tiny fella-- and do not even know it. In fact many of the weird disease occurrences that we are facing right now are because we aren’t connected to our environment.

The bullets listed above are the easiest and best-bang-for-the-buck interventions to reconnect with our natural environment.

  1. Our bodies have photoreceptors on the skin and in eyes. The rate of discover of new biological mechanisms related to light suggest that these receptors are responsible for so many more things than we know. Vitamin D production and hormone cycles all regulated by melatonin production, to name just two. You can avoid strong direct sunlight when the sun is strongest on Summer days, otherwise exposure to sunlight (while not getting sunburn) is something you want in great quantity every single day. Avoid sunscreens except perhaps natural ones on your face..

  2. We are meant to be electrically connected to the Earth basically 24 hours each day. That means at the least your feet on the ground. Now most of us do not come remotely close to this. Try to take barefoot walks. Swim in the ocean. To help, there are ankle straps that can be worn at night that connect you to the earth while you sleep. The positive effects are noticeable. Grounding is especially helpful with patches at the site of an injury, pain relief and healing are boosted.

  3. It is now well-known that EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) in certain ranges have deleterious effects on living organisms, including humans. For example, mobile phones are considered Class B carcinogens. The iPhone documentation states clearly that the device should not be on your body when the radios (these send and receive EMFs) are on. Of course this applies to other phones. There are documented cases of breast cancer in the exact places where young girls place their phones inside their bras. Pants-pocket is asking for trouble as well. The latest mobile communication frequency and its micro-deployment is still worse than all the predecessors. 5G frequencies are predicted by many to completely disrupt health and life as the deployment proceeds. Many countries have already banned the use of 5G, waiting to see what happens in countries such as the United States. Do what you can to minimize EMFs. Keep your phone in airplane mode when you are not using it, do not use Bluetooth headphones (that's putting EMFs straight into your brain), use wired Ethernet at home whenever possible, turn the internet modem off in the evening, have your home check for EMF radiation (many companies will do it for free), keep electronics out of the bedroom.

  4. Unnatural light surrounds us all day long. When the sun sets we should be in darkness. That's not the world we live in. Invest in blue blocking glasses, where them once it gets dark. Use an app that takes the blue light out of your phone and computer in the evening. Purchase blackout curtains for your bedroom. You want to sleep in absolute darkness. LED lights are major health hazards, especially in the evening. The incandescent bulb, though not efficient is free from many problems that our current choices have. For your bedroom a salt lamp is nice.

  5. There are NO night owls, except for owl owls. You do not work better at night. There are no exceptions. You are welcome to disagree and do nothing or disagree and try getting your health back and then re-evaluate your stance. Working late into the night disrupts nearly every important growth and repair cycle that the body has. No exceptions. Try to go to bed by 10pm and try to finish eating dinner at least 3 hours before that. Shoot for 8 hours of sleep, more if you are under heavy stress (work, training, pregnant, sick, etc), and if healthy maybe a little less in the summer months. The body can easily go more days without food than sleep. Regular sleep is critical for health. Respect the natural sleep-wake cycle.

  6. Walk. It's is part of who we are. Hippocrates, perhaps best known for the Hippocratic Oath which boils down to "do no harm" is also known for "let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." Lesser known yet deeply profound "walking is the best medicine." That's 2392+ years ago. He lived to 83 years old almost 2400 years ago. It's easy to realize that that's walking outside, under the sun, likely barefoot or in sandals that kept him electrically connected to the Earth. Fresh air is cleansing and along with sunlight both destroy viruses. Back in 1918 during the Spanish flu many sick were kept outdoors in the fresh air and under the sun, these patients fared much better than those kept inside. How has this lesson been forgotten by the medical establishment? Seriously, when does Flu season end? When it gets warm and people head outdoors. HEAT and Sun and fresh air destroy viruses. Some of those doing the worst right now are trapped indoors, away from Sun and Air, yet surrounded by harmful non-native EMFs emanating from all the medical equipment.

I urge you to adapt as many as these as possible, not only to boost your immune system and protect yourselves from the current pandemic but also to manifest the best possible health, wellness, and version of yourself.

Once these measures are in place you might not even need the supplements or herbals that I and other Health Practitioners recommend for deeper or emergency support. Get the basics in place so the Add-ons can have a chance of working.


Handling Viruses Naturally